What is Strategy ?
A strategy outlines the plan of action to achieve the vision and objectives of an organisation that guides the decision-making processes.
Strategy refers to an organisation’s long-term goals and how it plans to reach them. In other words, it shows the pathway and actions required to achieve the defined vision.
Levels of business strategies
- Corporate Level: Corporate level strategies are the strategic plans of an organisation. They form the mission/purpose and vision statement and have a fundamental impact on the organisations long-term performance. They guide decisions around growth, acquisitions, diversification, and investments.
- Business Unit Level: Business Unit level strategies integrate into the corporate vision, with a focus however on a specific business unit. At this level, the vision and objectives are turned into concrete strategies that inform the overall strategy.
- Functional Level: Functional level strategies are designed to answer how functional departments like Marketing, People & Culture, Finance or Research & Development can support the defined business and corporate strategies of an organisation.
Whether it is an Organisational, or for example an IR or functional strategy, The BelRose Group can assist with this process by guiding, facilitating, developing your strategy.

- Organisational Strategic Plan
- Corporate Strategy
- Not For Profit Strategy
- Business Strategy
- Functional Strategy
- Operating Strategy