
You can't stop change but you can prepare for it and choose how you respond to it...

The scale and volume of change continues to increase and impact organisations and their people.  This is unlikely to change for some time so people need to learn resilience and be able to take care of themselves in times of change.

People deal very differently with change – whilst some people may thrive on challenge or view change as an opportunity others may find it overwhelming, withdraw or get anxious or stressed.  People may also experience change fatigue.

Don’t underestimate the power of your attitude and the effect it has on your perception of the world.  It is often your attitude that determines your emotions and experience of change and whether it impacts you in a positive or negative way.

Having little control over workplace change can trigger increased tension, uncertainty, anger and stress. Coping with change can also be effected by the amount of stress we have in our lives.  Stress can build up gradually and the body and mind can respond in different ways, so look out for physical and emotional changes and signs and don’t ignore them. Good self care is important during periods of uncertainty. 

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