
Navigating Award Complexities and the Path to Workplace Adaptability

Navigating Award Complexities and the Path to Workplace Adaptability

Navigating the complexities of Modern Awards can be a daunting task, even for seasoned employment lawyers and/or industrial relations gurus, given the intricate nature of these legal documents. Awards are however essential for providing protections to employees but are often criticised for their lack of user-friendliness and outdated provisions that struggle to align with contemporary workplace practices.

Recently, The BelRose Group assisted a client whose workplace policies aimed to offer flexibility in working hours and location. However, they faced a hurdle with the particular Award that covered them, which imposed restrictive conditions on some roles working hours, limiting them to conventional weekdays and times.

Award limitations in accommodating flexible work arrangements highlights the need for employment frameworks that can adapt to the evolving needs of today’s workforce.

To resolve this, we guided our client in utilising an Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA), a mechanism within modern awards that allows for the modification of certain Award terms. By developing an IFA that met the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT), we facilitated a solution that enabled our client’s employees to achieve the desired workplace flexibility.

Do you need help interpretating Awards and Conditions relevant for your workplace?  If so, reach out to  The BelRose Group team at info@belrosegroup.com.au or 1300 308 707.


Australian Workplace Demographics

Australian Workplace Demographics

Australian Remuneration Movements
Analysis of current remuneration trends and salary forecasts in Australia, inform us of the evolving nature of employment cost movements and industry-specific salary trends. In the last quarter of 2023, the median employment cost (EC) movement was observed at 4.5%, which is above the inflation rate of 4.0%. This figure includes various components of EC like base salary, cash allowances, and benefits, but excludes variable rewards. Additionally, there was a noted increase in the official unemployment rate to 3.9%.

For 2024, the forecast suggests that total salary increases will vary between 3.5% and 4.5%, with the median expected to be 4.0%.

Throughout the first three quarters of 2023, the median EC movement, indicating the year-on-year salary changes for identical employees in the same roles at the same organisations, consistently increased, stabilising at 4.5% in the final quarter. Upon examining the data across different states and territories, four out of the eight regions reported figures that either met or exceeded the overall median EC movement. 


Employees like to know they are on track

Employees like to know they are on track

One of the most important things you can do as a manager is to set clear expectations for your team.   Not doing so is one of the biggest causes of people management problems and conflict.  It makes sense if you think about it, as how do people know what success looks like if we don’t tell them. People need and want clear expectations about their work, culture, performance, individual and team behaviour.

For your team to perform effectively, they need clarity about their role and how their responsibilities impact the team and the organisation.

Make time to consider what your expectations are, and to sit down with individuals or the team to be clear and to discuss.  Let employees know why your expectations are important, be as clear and specific as possible as everyone needs to be on the same page. Providing context and justification for your expectations establishes accountability.  Helping people understand the why and the bigger picture also builds stronger engagement.

Ensure that your expectations are understood and agreed and continue to manage them to ensure sure everyone is working with the same understanding and commitment.