Better Recruitment with The BelRose Group
Best fit over best practice
Best fit and best practice are both concepts that have been around for a while but we usually hear best practice talked about more. At The BelRose Group however, we are committed to best fit. We believe a best-fit recruitment and selection approach is more successful so we use approaches that are bespoke and best reflect the needs of your business, job, and culture.
Best fit in recruitment takes into account your business, your team, your culture and values, your job, and your points of difference. It is not a one size fits all approach, it uses varied fit-for-purpose approaches throughout recruitment and selection and matches recruitment strategy to each situation to deliver the best outcomes.
Why we choose best fit?
Best fit is more synergistic and emphasises the importance of ensuring that the strategies we use are appropriate to your situation, organisation, and people. Our best-fit recruitment and selection appreciates that as your jobs, people, cultures, and workplaces are diverse, our recruitment practices also need to be.
Best fit is more synergistic and emphasises the importance of ensuring that the strategies we use are appropriate to your situation, organisation, and people. Our best-fit recruitment and selection appreciates that as your jobs, people, cultures, and workplaces are diverse, our recruitment practices also need to be.